Whether you call inbound marketing or content marketing, whatever, this digital strategy of attracting prospects to you instead of going to interrupt them in their activities, will boost your campaigns. Here (at least) 4 good reasons to move to inbound marketing.
1. Segment:
You are targeting an individual and accompany you throughout the purchase path
Instead of sending the same email to all your contacts database, you can focus your efforts on prospects that you know they are really interested and send them the right message.
For this, it is not to use a divination but to segment your contacts database based on the behavior of these contacts on the web and social networks.
Divide and rule
The type of content uploaded and at what frequency, but also the interaction on social networks or information provided via a form: all this information to guide you to better target your campaign and maximize your chances of hitting your target.
For example, if you offer support services on social networks and want to attract human resource managers who seek to develop their employer brand, you can write blog entries on this topic and offer your readers to download practical guide on “Steps to build its employer brand on social networks.”
From there, your prospects become identified leads, “personified”. You will be able to monitor their behavior. Then the “feed” regular content (called lead nurturing) until you consider that they are “ripe” to be contact by a sales team.
2. Measure:
You have real-time monitoring tools
Many companies find themselves a bit helpless faced with the rise of digital technology and especially social networks. How to enjoy the fact that your prospects daily exchange lots of information with their network on these digital channels?
Moreover, even the brave who have already taken the plunge, still wonder how often analyze the impact of thousands of “Likes” on Facebook or Twitter followers? Taken in isolation, this commitment marks from your potential customers are actually not a very useful indicator to guide your strategy.
Tools for measuring and automating actions
As part of a strategy of inbound marketing, you will develop a platform that will allow you to centralize control of all your actions and automate tasks while having, permanently an overview of reactions your prospects at time T.
Previously, you knew that person had indeed opened or read your email. Now this information will integrate with other information received in real time via different channels: such a person has downloaded such a form of landing pages,she clicked on a particular call-to-actions, as she retweeted blog post, etc.
This allows you to refine the “robot portrait” of your lead, to better understand its expectations and its positioning in the conversion tunnel that leads to purchase.
Based on all of its actions on the Web, your target receives a number of points; is the lead scoring. The score directs it towards a particular workflow. A lead that gets a high score, so close to the purchase decision, will be offered such a product demonstration while a less mature oriented will lead a webinar to help mature its thinking.
There are many marketing automation solutions. To help you choose the tool that best suits you, you can consult the comparative or to use an agency to analyze your needs and accompany you throughout the implementation.
3. Transform:
You reap higher quality leads
From what we have just seen, thanks to the inbound marketing you manage to get in touch with prospects who have shown an interest in your offers and you maintain and strengthen the link as and content ” consumed “by these leads.
So when your marketing teams spend over sales teams, you are in a position doubly favorable namely: a commercial that features a maximum of information about his client potential and where your company already projects a positive image. In other words, conditions that increase the likelihood of achieving a sale.
The inbound marketing delivers 54% of leads and more in the conversion tunnel as marketing ‘classic’ or outbound marketing.
4. Distinguish:
You build your expert picture
As and when you share quality content, you enter a virtuous circle. You attract prospects to you – what is already a very good point – and at the same time you help build your expert picture; which will further increase the appeal of your business to potential customers.
In addition, all your words jacks on social networks, particularly on blogs will have a positive impact on your SEO. This will also make you more visible and thus more attractive, which inevitably leads to go through Google to start their research. 57% of the purchase process is done before you even talk to a commercial!
That is why setting up a strategy of inbound marketing will allow you to carry out more effective marketing campaigns by building a trusting relationship with your leads.
Made segmentation and customization possible by digital tools can reach the right prospect at the right time.
Everyone comes out a winner. Your prospect has found the answer to his problem and you have increased the number of qualified leads that will be more likely to turned into customers … satisfied with windfalls!
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